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Hong Kong is well known for its unlimited variety of foods. From little roadside stalls to high end restaurants and everything in between, Hong Kong has it all. Its food is heavily influenced by Cantonese cuisine as well as other regions of China, Japan, and South East Asia. Due to its past as a British colony, Hong Kong also hosts a wide variety of international restaurants as well.

Over the next two months, I will have 15 hand picked dinners.  Each one will be documented in this post. While it will be impossible to sample every available cuisine, I will do my best to get a good representation. Read more

Having traveled to over 50 countries, I’ve learned that it’s wise to check country entry requirements before hopping on a plane. One that I often forget, is that most countries require the visitor to have a confirmed outward plane ticket.

When I arrived at Fiji immigration, I was well prepared. I had even made a screenshot of the confirmation on my iPhone in case the immigration officer would ask. Besides, it’s Fiji! Known for it’s super friendly people, who would expect trouble here. Right? Read more

One of the things I love about traveling is meeting new people. I often share interests and passions with my fellow travelers. This time wasn’t different. I got along with Nicholas really well from the start.

We met during my trip to Waya Island, Fiji. We were staying at the same resort. Nicholas had been traveling for a few years, working at different hotels around the world to support his travels. Read more

There aren’t many options when it comes to public transportation in Shanghai, so a taxi is often the best way to get around. With around 50.000 taxis in the city, it’s easy to find one and they are very affordable. However, there are a few things that could prevent you from having an enjoyable ride. Most cab drivers speak little or no English and not all cab companies are reliable.

Here are three things you should know to ensure your taxi ride will be a smooth one! Read more

When I told my Australian friend that I was planning a visit to Cairns, he suggested that I stay in a big backpacker retreat named Gilligans. Although I value his opinion, I decided to take a quick peek at Tripadvisor to check out some reviews.

I quickly realized that this wasn’t the hostel I was looking for. Reviewers described music from the attached nightclub blasting every night until 3am combined with drunk, shirtless guys throwing up in the hallways. A good place if you want to party, but that wasn’t my reason to visit the city.Read more

One of the things I love about Latin American culture is the hospitality of its people. There is nothing better than arriving in a foreign land,  staying with people you’ve never met before, yet feeling completely at home.

So what is it about Latin people that makes foreigners feel so comfortable? I believe it’s a unified desire to encourage a laid back experience for guests.  All cultures place a high value on hospitality, but Latins do it with an ultra relaxed approach, lulling you into a calm state. Read more

Good morning! I just woke up to the majestic view of the sun climbing over the Australian East Coast.  Not a bad way to start the day, but the view isn’t what excites me most at this moment. It’s the fact that I just enjoyed a normal seven-hour slumber. Nothing special, right?  Wrong.  To me, this is a very sweet victory!  Here is why:

Last night, I traveled from London to Australia, crossing 10 time zones in 20 hours.  If you’ve ever traveled from Europe or the US to Australia, you know that jet lag is an indomitable beast. Read more

During my ski trip to Valmeinier, France, I decided go take a ride with a little lightweight aircraft. The weather was perfect and it turned out to be a super sweet ride with great views and scenery! I attached a camera to the plane and created this video with the footage. Hope you like it!Read more

When you become a world traveler, you may forget to appreciate the beauty of your hometown. Being back at my parents place in Arnhem, a small town in the east of The Netherlands, I decieded to walk around the neighborhood and take some pictures. It was a cold day in the middle of winter and ground was covered with a thick blanket of snow. I strapped on my trusty boots and headed out the door. Read more

I had only slept a few hours when my dad woke me up at 3.30 am. We had to make an early morning flight with Ryanair to Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands. Our final destination was the little town of Corralejo, the surf capital of the Canaries.

I was pretty new at surfing. I had taken the odd lesson over the last few years, but hadn’t passed the beginner stages yet. When we arrived at our first surf spot, I was a little worried. Read more
