About me

About me

Hi, I’m Jasper. I am Dutch by birth but a citizen of the world. After completing my education in the Netherlands, I worked for an arbitrage trading firm for 6 years. The hours were long, the work was tedious, and my main incentive was financial.

At the age of 32, I reevaluated my life goals. Did I want to slave away at a mildly stimulating profession so I could perch atop a pile of assets at the ripe age of 65? As a chorus of “Nooooooos” blared inside my head, I decided to leap into the unknown. In March of 2010, with no backup plan or prospect of gainful employment, I quit my job to pursue my lifelong dream: ultimate freedom.

I remember the summers of my childhood as wonderfully blissful times. I played in the forest with my friends, ate ice cream at the corner store when it got too hot, kicked a football around in the park with my brothers, and then climbed trees with my girlfriend until the sunset. My life was directed solely by my fleeting desires. How perfect. This is what I sought again, and this is why I broke away from the corporate rat race. I wanted to do what I wanted to do, go where I wanted to go, and spend time with whomever I wanted to spend time with. Ever since then, I have been traveling the world with my friends to embark on an endless stream of fun mini-adventures.

I know what you’re thinking… I must have a mountain of cash stashed away somewhere, right? Wrong. While I did make a great living at my previous job, I do not have millions of dollars in the bank. In order to sustain my lifestyle, I studied web design and SEO in my spare time. I eventually launched several internet related businesses which now fund my every whim. If I can do it, you most certainly can as well.

This blog not only chronicles my journeys but also serves as inspiration for whoever wants to pursue the same goal. I believe that everyone can live their dream, and if I can help people actualize their goals and reach personal success I’d be happy to do so!

Some of my favorite adventures include when I went diving in the Similan Islands, lobster hunting in the Bahamas and sailing in Croatia.

It’s not only been joy. I did run into trouble a few times. Read about how I lost my luggage in Shanghai and ran into trouble at immigration in Fiji.

Although I’ve already been to many places, there are still plenty of adventurous to be had and countries to visit. Check out my bucket list to find out what I have planned for the near future!

I love to communicate with fellow travel lovers, follow me on Facebook, Google, Twitter or subscribe to my RSS Feed or Youtube Channel! For questions, advice or just random thoughts, feel free to leave a comment or email me at contact(at)thetravelingdutchman(dot)com.

Happy travels!


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