Airbnb – The Traveling Dutchman

Airbnb – The Traveling Dutchman

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I’ve hosted over 150 groups of guests in my apartment in Amsterdam on Airbnb. One things that keeps surprising me is that almost none of my former guests have asked for a discount before making the booking. A big mistake, if saving money is something that you value.Read more

When I talk to fellow Airbnb hosts, I always ask them if they were apprehensive about letting random people from the internet into their homes. The answer is always a clear “yes.”

The next question I ask them, is if those fears ever materialized. The answer to this question may surprise you. It’s almost always a very definite “no.”

The biggest worry that people have when renting out their space on Airbnb is that guests will damage their property. Particular questions that are often raised include the following:Read more

In the winter of 2010, I decided to quit my financial career. I booked a one-way ticket to Brazil, sold my belongings, packed what was left in two suitcases, and ventured into unchartered territory.

I didn’t know what I would do for money or where I would end up in the world; I simply recognized that I was taking the first step of an epic journey. Read more

During my travels, I often stay at Airbnb apartments across the globe. Since I am a host myself, I pay close attention to various aspects of the listings I peruse.

One of those aspects is price. Over the last few years, I have noticed that most hosts have a fixed daily price regardless of the day of the week or month. This is highly surprising. Why? Read more

The main concern that most people have about Airbnb is that they will not be welcomed appropriately upon arrival. Guests are fraught with innumerable concerns and questions.

Will my host be on site when I arrive? Will he answer my phone calls? Will he be thoroughly prepared for my stay?

Truth be told, these fears are completely understandable. Why? Because most travelers are accustomed to staying at corporate style accommodations, i.e. hotels. Read more

The main promotion avenue for your Airbnb listing is the Airbnb search results. This is where potential guests shop for relevant listings.

When your listing pops up, the first thing a user will see is the title of your listing along with the primary photo of your home.

These two pieces of information are what will burn an indelible first impression into the mind of the user. Accordingly, these components must be of the highest quality if you expect guests to inquire further.Read more

One of the reasons why I love Airbnb is that it enables me to travel. I make money everyday, even if I’m lounging at a beach in the south of Brazil or jumping off a ski lift in the Swiss Alps.

But when I first transitioned from fixed-term rentals to Airbnb, I was a bit dumfounded as how I could manage my budding business while maintaining my nomadic lifestyle. Read more

An integral part of a solid Airbnb business is receiving an abundance of positive reviews. Airbnb is built on trust, reputation, and social standing.

Accordingly, nothing entices new guests more than a collection of stellar recommendations from former guests.

It must logically follow, then, that bad reviews are the kiss of death, right? Not necessarily. Read more

In the summer of 2013, life was good. My Airbnb business was in full swing, earning more than double what I was making from my fixed-term rate.

I had hosted over 60 groups and had a healthy collection of glowing reviews and five-star ratings. My listing was on the up and up. And then, without warning, disaster struck.

I received the following message from a guest who had just checked in in a day earlier: Read more
