Travel Tips – The Traveling Dutchman

Travel Tips – The Traveling Dutchman

I just came across a new flight search engine that I really like. GeniusFlight is a budget driven search engine for flights. Genius Flight works a little different than most search engines.

Instead of specifying a destination, Genius Flight only asks for (1) a departure city and (2) a budget and (3) your travel dates.

The algorithm then scans all the cheapest flights for you and displays the options within your budget. This is a great way to get some inspiration. Specially if you (like me) love going on spontaneous trips! Continue reading »

During your travels, you will most likely want to chat to family or friends back home from time to time and share photos with them. And, if you are freelancing as you go, then communication with clients is crucial.

Back in the day, this was usually a costly endeavor. Not anymore, though! The internet revolution has made international communications a lot cheaper—free in many cases! Continue reading »

If you own a house or if you are renting long term, you can gain significant income from it while you travel abroad, possibly more then your mortgage or rent payments.

There are two ways to monetize your house: renting out long term and short term. Your preferred option depends on your situation, both options have advantages and disadvantages Continue reading »

When you are planning a trip, before booking any plane tickets, you should sign up for a frequent flyer (also mileage or miles program), if you don’t have one.

Why? Because it’s free and you can get some pretty good benefits! Continue reading »

One thing that always surprises me is how people seem to lose all manners and etiquette as soon as they enter an airplane or airport. Suddenly, everyone behaves like a buffalo amidst a panic stricken stampede.

Ever wonder why everyone tries to rush out of an airplane at the same time as if it’s about to explode? Or why people stand at the luggage belt, blocking the view and access for all other passengers? I think it’s time for a quick rundown on air travel etiquette. Continue reading »

Traveling to an exotic location inevitably requires particular conditions to be met. While some countries simply mandate possession of a valid passport, many can be very difficult to visit depending on your particular circumstances and nationality. Continue reading »

In Hong Kong Asian and Western culture clash, creating a unique mix. After spending two months in this city this year, I consider Hong Kong definitely one of my favorite cities in the world.

You would think with millions of people stacked on a little island, getting around could be difficult. Surprisingly, it’s not. The city center is quite walkable and Hong Kong has one of the most efficient and affordable public transport systems in the world. In addition, taxis can be found everywhere. Continue reading »

When I first heard of The Yacht Week Croatia, it didn’t take me very long to make the decision to go. Cruising around the Croatian islands on a sailing yacht with a bunch of friends and about 50 other yachts with people from all around the world? Sounds like something I might enjoy!

To get an idea what The Yacht Week is about, check out the official trailer. Watched it? Ok, so now you want to go as well. Good news, I’ve written an extensive guide that will help you get the most out of it! Continue reading »

When traveling to China, a visa is always required. The easiest option is to apply for a visa in your home country before you leave. But there is an alternative available: you can get your China visa in Hong Kong. This is very handy when you make the decision to visit China while already traveling abroad.

Getting a visa for China is actually very easy in Hong Kong. There are two ways to get your visa: apply yourself at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or have a visa service agent do if for you. Continue reading »

There aren’t many options when it comes to public transportation in Shanghai, so a taxi is often the best way to get around. With around 50.000 taxis in the city, it’s easy to find one and they are very affordable. However, there are a few things that could prevent you from having an enjoyable ride. Most cab drivers speak little or no English and not all cab companies are reliable.

Here are three things you should know to ensure your taxi ride will be a smooth one! Continue reading »

Good morning! I just woke up to the majestic view of the sun climbing over the Australian East Coast.  Not a bad way to start the day, but the view isn’t what excites me most at this moment. It’s the fact that I just enjoyed a normal seven-hour slumber. Nothing special, right?  Wrong.  To me, this is a very sweet victory!  Here is why:

Last night, I traveled from London to Australia, crossing 10 time zones in 20 hours.  If you’ve ever traveled from Europe or the US to Australia, you know that jet lag is an indomitable beast. Continue reading »
