Trouble – The Traveling Dutchman

Trouble – The Traveling Dutchman

When you think of dangerous animals in Australia, the crocodile, the snake and the shark come to mind first. But did you know the most deaths amongst tourists are actually caused by a very different animal?

The Drop bear is truly an assassinator in disguise. It cleverly mimics the behavior of one of the cutest animals on the planet: the Koala bear. But don’t let its friendly appearance trick you. Underneath it’s soft, fluffy fur lives a ferocious killer. Continue reading »

After a few years on the road I usually manage to avoid tourist traps. This time I was completely caught off guard though. A painful mistake that wasted about half of my day.

I was staying in Bali with two of my buddies, Andreas and Vincenzo. We wanted to check out some cool spots on the islands. A friend of Vincenzo had recently visited the island and recommended a taxi driver to us. He had taken him around the island before and he had a great day. Continue reading »

Having traveled to over 50 countries, I’ve learned that it’s wise to check country entry requirements before hopping on a plane. One that I often forget, is that most countries require the visitor to have a confirmed outward plane ticket.

When I arrived at Fiji immigration, I was well prepared. I had even made a screenshot of the confirmation on my iPhone in case the immigration officer would ask. Besides, it’s Fiji! Known for it’s super friendly people, who would expect trouble here. Right? Continue reading »

I was having dinner with some friends in a middle-eastern type restaurant in Shanghai. It was my last night there and I was heading to the airport straight after dinner. My next destination was replete with sun, beaches, and excellent surfing conditions. I was going to the Philippines. The meal was delicious and the atmosphere was captivating. Between the tasty kebabs, the sexy belly dancers, and my vivacious friends, the evening was sublime. Nothing could ruin it. Or so I thought. Continue reading »
