How Airbnb Has Enabled Me To Travel The World

How Airbnb Has Enabled Me To Travel The World

The last few years I’ve been traveling around the world non-stop. I’ve been to over 50 countries.

I went lobster hunting in the Bahamas, scuba diving in the worlds’ most tropical places such as Fiji, Vanuatu, Thailand and the Philippines, hiked up a volcano in Iceland and sailed along the coast of Croatia during Yacht week.

The number one question I get from my readers is: how do I afford this? The short answer is: Airbnb.

I started renting out my apartment in Amsterdam to long term renters when I moved to Chicago, back in 2009. This provided me with a steady and secure source of income, but I wasn’t happy with the situation for three reasons:

  1. The return on investment wasn’t great at under 5%
  2. I couldn’t stay in my own house when I was visiting home
  3. I had no guarantee that my renter would leave after the contract ended

After switching to Airbnb, all these issues were resolved. I could stay in my own house whenever I wanted, I didn’t have to worry about long-term renters not wanting to leave and my rental income more than doubled to over 10%!!! This was enough to cover all my travel expenses.

In addition, I was able to connect and share my house and neighborhood with people from all over the world. All the “thank you” emails and positive reviews I received provided a great sense of fulfillment and happiness and that’s what really made me fall in love with the Airbnb concept.

When sharing this experience with friends I noticed how surprised most of them were that this is even possible. I helped a few of them setup their own Airbnb listing and they have since been able to have a similar experience. I was getting messages like this:

I’ve been meaning to say thank you to you – I listed my place on airbnb when we were in Amsterdam and I’ve been renting it out solid ever since! The extra cash has freed me up to travel, it’s great man. – Kris Hawkins

This lead me to the idea of writing a book. I wanted to share my story with the world and show people how they too can create more freedom in their lives by renting out a room or their entire house. Six months and a lot of hard work later I’m proud to have successfully released my new book: Get Paid For Your Pad.

The book is an all-encompassing guide to hosting on Airbnb. It takes the reader through a step-by-step process of everything that needs to be done to maximize the income from their Airbnb listing, including subjects as how to prepare your house, communicating with guests, reaching the first page of the Airbnb search results and how to set an optimal pricing strategy.

The book comes with countless examples and templates that any Airbnb host can use to improve their listing right now, as well as three exciting bonusses. The best thing is: you can get the prologue, introduction and first chapter for FREE!!!

New to Airbnb? Sign-up now and get $25 travel credit!

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