Travel Blog – The Traveling Dutchman

Travel Blog – The Traveling Dutchman

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This is an A to Z travel hacking guide that explains in detail how anyone living in the US can travel for free by using reward points and miles to book flights and hotel stays. There is no magic, no secret tricks and it’s not rocket science. It’s simply taking advantage of the opportunities that are out there.Read more

During my almost 6 years of intense travel as a digital nomad ghostwriter I have lost over $4,000 US worth of equipment due to a most colorful rainbow of criminal activity directed at my belongings, plus perhaps another thousand of financial damage in various scams and overpricing. Read more

It is human nature to be scared of the unknown. We perceive an unknown risk to be much greater than a known risk. In travel, this means that people tend to think that countries or cities that they are unfamiliar with aren’t safe. One question I get asked a lot is if certain countries or cities are safe to travel to. Read more

Nyepi, a Hindu celebration, is celebrated mainly in Bali on the last day of the Balinese calendar, although it is a public holiday everywhere in Indonesia.

From 6am to 6am the next day no-one is supposed to engage in any activities. No entertainment, no electricity, no work, no travel and for some even no talking and food.

It’s a day reserved for self-reflection.But Nyepi has another, more interesting purpose. The night before Nyepi, the Balinese ride a number of Ogoh-Ogohs through the streets, accompanied by loud orchestral music. These are skillfully crafted monsters, mostly build by youth organizations. Each village typically build one Ogoh Ogoh.Read more

As we begin a new year, people around the world are already considering their first holiday of 2015. Which destinations are predicted to be the hottest choices for this year? Read more

I’m always on the lookout for new, smart travel products. When I came across the Bluesmart, I was immediately sold. This is for sure the most bad-ass suitcase I’ve ever seen. Curious?

Suitcases haven’t changed much in the last few decades, but that is about to change. Bluesmart has taken suitcase technology to the next level, utilizing micro-sensors, actuators and a microcomputer with GPS to communicate with smartphones over bluetooth.

In addition, the Bluesmart app can be synced with the suitcase and online travel services to provide smart notifications, alerts and reports to the owner.
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A lot of people don’t like overnight flights because they have trouble sleeping on a plane. What’s the secret to getting those well deserved hours of sleep? To figure out the best way to sleep on an airplane you first have to ask yourself what has kept you awake the most on recent flights.

Do you have a hard time sleeping with noise? Does light keep you awake? How about temperature? Or can you just not find a good position to go to sleep in?Read more

I just came across a new flight search engine that I really like. GeniusFlight is a budget driven search engine for flights. Genius Flight works a little different than most search engines.

Instead of specifying a destination, Genius Flight only asks for (1) a departure city and (2) a budget and (3) your travel dates.

The algorithm then scans all the cheapest flights for you and displays the options within your budget. This is a great way to get some inspiration. Specially if you (like me) love going on spontaneous trips! Read more

Today is a big day for me as I’m launching my first ever book on Amazon: Get Paid For Your Pad – How To Maximize Profits From Your Airbnb Listing.

To promote the launch, the book will be available for FREE in the next three days! The goal is to make the book an Amazon best seller in several categories.

And you can help! All you need to do is download the book for free. We’re throwing in the audio version of the book as well! Read more

In 2010 I left my finance job in Chicago to fulfill a life-long dream: to travel the world full-time. It was not an easy decision, I gave up a very lucrative career and I had no idea what would happen and what I would end up doing.

I took the leap anyway as I didn’t want to grow old with regrets, knowing I had never taken the chance to live the life I wanted to live.

So I took off to Brazil and never looked back. It was the best decision in my life. Want to know more? Watch this short video to find out! Read more
