Sharing Economy – 3/3 – The Traveling Dutchman

Sharing Economy – 3/3 – The Traveling Dutchman

Home Blog Sharing Economy

Reviews are the foundation of the service industry. Hotels, restaurants, personal trainers, real estate agents, and any other service-based professions must live and die by the review system.

As the world has grown ever more interconnected, and social media has engulfed every aspect of our lives, the power of customer feedback has grown exponentially. General advertising and marketing are still vastly important tools, but at the end of the day, cyber word of mouth is fast becoming the ultimate determinant for a business venture’s success.Read more

Nowadays, everyone wants a bargain. There are a plethora of websites and services that make their money by flooding consumers with terrific financial savings for all sorts of products. When people save money, it makes them feel good. It often engenders a feeling akin to earning an extra bit of income.

Airbnb customers are no different. They are constantly in search of the best deal available. Most hosts are aware of this because they’ve likely dealt with a customer who is eager to haggle. You think you’ve set a reasonable price for your listing, but a potential guest has requested a discount. What now? Should you accept it, or do you stay strong and hold your ground? Read more

The last few years I’ve been traveling around the world non-stop. I’ve been to over 50 countries.

I went lobster hunting in the Bahamas, scuba diving in the worlds’ most tropical places such as Fiji, Vanuatu, Thailand and the Philippines, hiked up a volcano in Iceland and sailed along the coast of Croatia during Yacht week.

The number one question I get from my readers is: how do I afford this? The short answer is: Airbnb. Read more

If you own a house or if you are renting long term, you can gain significant income from it while you travel abroad, possibly more then your mortgage or rent payments.

There are two ways to monetize your house: renting out long term and short term. Your preferred option depends on your situation, both options have advantages and disadvantagesRead more
