

Back in 2010 I found myself in a position where “I had it all.” After working in the financial sector for six years, I was able to afford a nice apartment, a fast car and a life of luxury.

I always thought that getting a good career and making a lot of money was what I was supposed to do to be happy. But when the day came that I achieved it, I didn’t feel the fulfillment that I was anticipating.

I started to realize that I had always done what I thought I was supposed to do, but that I never really asked myself the question: What do I really want from life? This is when I made a life-changing decision: to leave it all behind.

I sold my belongings, quit my job and pursued a dream I had always had in the back of my head: to travel the world full-time. And I never looked back.

I have since written an Amazon best-selling book, started a podcast, made over 50k euros a year renting on Airbnb, build and sold a nutritional supplement business and published two video courses on Udemy. It wasn’t all success though, I failed a lot too, but I have now reached a point where I can fully support myself working from my laptop from anywhere in the world. Complete freedom.

“Ask yourself this question: Do you live to work, or work to live?”

If you are stuck in a job that you don’t like or you simply want to create more freedom and change your lifestyle, then you came to the right place.

I can help you

  • Turn your house into a money-machine using Airbnb
  • Use shared economy platforms to create extra financial resources
  • Find the right niche for your new business based on your passions, skills and knowledge
  • Develop a business plan for your new business
  • Publish and sell your own eBook on Amazon
  • Develop the mindset necessary to be successful as an online entrepreneur
  • Develop a location independent lifestyle full of travel and adventures
  • Use Airbnb to rent out a spare room and to cover your rent
  • Create a kick-ass website from scratch (I build this one myself)

If you want to develop a location independent lifestyle where you have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world then I’m here to help you. I’m available for coaching calls starting at just $60 / hour.

Tip: To get the most out of the call, I recommend you email me some background information and the questions that you have. This way I can prepare myself and give you the best advice I can. I’m more than happy to answer follow-up questions by email as well.

I am convinced that I will be able to bring so much value to the table that I’m willing to pay you back every single $ if you think you didn’t get your money’s worth. No questions asked!

This means your call is really risk-free so there is no reason not to take action and change your life.

Click here to schedule your call

  • Create effective email marketing campaign
  • Develop a sales funnel with multiple products
  • Build an email subscriber list
  • Increase your sales by improving your sales pages
  • Setup your social media pages
  • Get more exposure for your brand by appearing on podcasts
  • Get more followers on your social media
  • Create valuable video courses that you can sell

Click here to schedule your call

“Jasper, gave me some great advice on our call. He was well prepared and gave well thought out advice. Sometimes when you hire a coach or consultant they can ramble and give you disjointed advice. Jasper, however, was a great listener and organized in how he gave his advice.” (Source:Clarity)Rob ChopraApr 21, 2015

Here’s to your freedom!


P.S. I’m writing this from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

P.P.S. All calls are risk-free, if I can’t help you I will pay you your money back

P.P.P.S There is no minimum amount of time
