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Do you have a regular job that you don’t particularly like? Do you ever sit at your desk, dreaming about what life would be like if you would have the freedom to do what you love and make a living? If so, then this post is for you!

There has never been a time in which living the life of your dreams has been more within your reach then right now. Modern technology allows many of us to work remotely from any location. The internet provides opportunities for starting an online business in almost any niche. The sharing economy allows us to easily monetize our assets, skills and knowledge through platforms such as Airbnb, Uber, Wyzant, Takelessons and countless others. Read more

I’m always on the lookout for new, smart travel products. When I came across the Bluesmart, I was immediately sold. This is for sure the most bad-ass suitcase I’ve ever seen. Curious?

Suitcases haven’t changed much in the last few decades, but that is about to change. Bluesmart has taken suitcase technology to the next level, utilizing micro-sensors, actuators and a microcomputer with GPS to communicate with smartphones over bluetooth.

In addition, the Bluesmart app can be synced with the suitcase and online travel services to provide smart notifications, alerts and reports to the owner.
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Ask anyone who’s ever tried to stop smoking or lose weight and they will tell you that it’s very hard. Even those who manage to change their behavior will often fall back to their old ways at some point, often during stressful or difficult times.

Why is it so hard to change what we do? Aren’t we in control of our own actions? Turns out, we’re not. Not consciously at least. When we repeatedly engage in a certain type of behavior, a small part of our brain called the basal ganglia stores the behavior and a habit is created. We no longer need to consciously think about it, we go on auto-pilot. Read more

A lot of people don’t like overnight flights because they have trouble sleeping on a plane. What’s the secret to getting those well deserved hours of sleep? To figure out the best way to sleep on an airplane you first have to ask yourself what has kept you awake the most on recent flights.

Do you have a hard time sleeping with noise? Does light keep you awake? How about temperature? Or can you just not find a good position to go to sleep in?Read more

I just came across a new flight search engine that I really like. GeniusFlight is a budget driven search engine for flights. Genius Flight works a little different than most search engines.

Instead of specifying a destination, Genius Flight only asks for (1) a departure city and (2) a budget and (3) your travel dates.

The algorithm then scans all the cheapest flights for you and displays the options within your budget. This is a great way to get some inspiration. Specially if you (like me) love going on spontaneous trips! Read more

Today is a big day for me as I’m launching my first ever book on Amazon: Get Paid For Your Pad – How To Maximize Profits From Your Airbnb Listing.

To promote the launch, the book will be available for FREE in the next three days! The goal is to make the book an Amazon best seller in several categories.

And you can help! All you need to do is download the book for free. We’re throwing in the audio version of the book as well! Read more

In 2010 I left my finance job in Chicago to fulfill a life-long dream: to travel the world full-time. It was not an easy decision, I gave up a very lucrative career and I had no idea what would happen and what I would end up doing.

I took the leap anyway as I didn’t want to grow old with regrets, knowing I had never taken the chance to live the life I wanted to live.

So I took off to Brazil and never looked back. It was the best decision in my life. Want to know more? Watch this short video to find out! Read more

When I talk to fellow Airbnb hosts, I always ask them if they were apprehensive about letting random people from the internet into their homes. The answer is always a clear “yes.”

The next question I ask them, is if those fears ever materialized. The answer to this question may surprise you. It’s almost always a very definite “no.”

The biggest worry that people have when renting out their space on Airbnb is that guests will damage their property. Particular questions that are often raised include the following:Read more

In the winter of 2010, I decided to quit my financial career. I booked a one-way ticket to Brazil, sold my belongings, packed what was left in two suitcases, and ventured into unchartered territory.

I didn’t know what I would do for money or where I would end up in the world; I simply recognized that I was taking the first step of an epic journey. Read more

During my travels, I often stay at Airbnb apartments across the globe. Since I am a host myself, I pay close attention to various aspects of the listings I peruse.

One of those aspects is price. Over the last few years, I have noticed that most hosts have a fixed daily price regardless of the day of the week or month. This is highly surprising. Why? Read more

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