How I Make 60k a Year on Airbnb

How I Make 60k a Year on Airbnb

In March 2010 I decided to quit my finance job to pursue a life-long dream: to travel the world full-time. For months I was worry-free, enjoying myself on the warm beaches of Brazil and taking advantage of my new found freedom.

It wasn’t long until I started thinking of the future. How would I be able to support myself when my savings would run out?

Once source of income I had was my apartment in Amsterdam. I had been renting it to long term renters for years but I wasn’t very happy with the situation. First of all, the return wasn’t very good, I was only making $1600 a month. Secondly, I could never stay in my own house when I was in Amsterdam. Lastly, I was worried that if I ever wanted to move back, it would be hard to get my renter out.

In June 2012 I heard about Airbnb. Renting on Airbnb seemed to solve all three of my concerns: a higher rental return, the freedom to decide when to rent and when not to, and I could stop at any time and move back in myself.

I received my first guests just a few weeks later and soon I was almost fully booked. It looked promising! I started improving my listing, experimenting with prices and providing a better guest experience. A few months later I was making two to three times what I used to make renting long term.

I quit everything else that I was doing to make money and decided to focus on Airbnb. I read every resource I could find and used this information to optimize my Airbnb business. I created email templates to streamline communication, a downloadable guidebook to provide information to my guests and hired my cleaning lady to manage my house so that I could travel.

As a result, I only needed a few hours a week to manage my listing and I could do it from anywhere in the world, living of my Airbnb earnings.

“Would you like to have the freedom to travel anywhere in the world?”

I have since helped many people to get started on Airbnb and turn their house or even a spare room into a money machine.

People I’ve helped list their space on Airbnb have used the extra income to:

  • Travel the world for months or even years like I do
  • Pay for their medical bills
  • Cover their mortgage or rent payments
  • Support themselves while working on a startup
  • Pay for reconstruction of their house
  • Prevent their house from being foreclosed
  • Go on various city trips on the weekends

Most of these people never realized that this was even possible!

This is why I decided to write a book, Get Paid For Your Pad. I combined everything that I had learned about Airbnb hosting with the best information that I could find on the internet. I literally read every single book on the topic as I wanted to make sure Get Paid For Your Pad would be the best one.

The book was a No. 1 Amazon Best Seller for month after it’s launch and still ranks as the first book to show when searching for “Airbnb”.

Get Paid For Your Pad contains everything you need to know to start a successful Airbnb listing as well as email templates, real-life stories from Airbnb hosts and an easy to implement pricing system.

  • How to create a killer title for your listing
  • The right way to compose a description
  • How to get stunning pictures of your space
  • How to prepare your house for your first guests
  • My two-step strategy for getting outstanding reviews
  • How to manage your listing from anywhere in the world
  • The correct settings for your listing
  • My personal pricing strategy that will get your place fully booked
  • Airbnb SEO, how to get your listing to page 1 of the search results
  • How to negotiate with your guests
  • How to communicate with your guests
  • What to do when a guest isn’t happy
  • How to outsource the Airbnb management process

When I started renting on Airbnb, I had one worry: what if my guests steal my belongings or damage my property? Airbnb recognizes this fear and implemented several ways to make Airbnb hosting safe:

  • You can screen your guests before you accept their booking by looking at their profile, reviews and verifications
  • It’s your room or house and you are always in control, you can decline booking requests if you don’t feel comfortable with the guests
  • The Airbnb Host Guarantee protects you against damages up to $1,000,000

Take action now and start monetizing your spare room or house! Choose your favorite package:

  • 176 pages of content
  • Free audio book
  • Six real life stories from hosts
  • Email templates
  • 54 video lectures
  • FB group membership
  • My personal guidebook
  • Email Templates
  • Pricing Tool
  • 100% cash back guarantee
  • The book
  • The video Course
  • FB group membership
  • My personal guidebook
  • Two one-hour phone consults
  • Email support

I don’t want to take your money if you’re not 100% satisfied that my product was worth every single $ that you spent! That’s why I promise to pay you back the full amount, no conditions, no questions asked. That’s how confident I am that my products will make you a multiple of what you’ve paid.

This means your purchase carries no risk, so take action now! If you can’t decide which product you want, I recommend you go with the video course. You can always upgrade to the complete package later.

Click here for more information on the video course

“Great tips Jasper! We moved from dead last in a group of 500+ apartments in Medellin, to having all our short-term rentals within the first 6 pages of Airbnb within a month, thanks to your book!”

Andrew Campion, owner at Apartment Medellin

If you want to create more financial freedom in your live, this is the time to take action and start making money with your spare room or house. My products will guide you step-by-step through the process of setting up your listing such that your first booking will come in as soon as possible.

NEW: Click here to watch the first few videos for free!

P.S. Remember, your purchase is protected by a 100% money back guarantee!

P.P.S. The video course is temporarily discounted to $47, that’s over 50% off!

Buy the video course for only $47
