Food – The Traveling Dutchman

Food – The Traveling Dutchman

One of the best things about traveling is engulfing yourself in local delicacies. Finding a good local food joint is not that hard these days. There are all sort of websites and apps to point you in the right direction: tripadvisor, foursquare etc.

But sometimes you find yourself in a situation with no internet access. Darn, now you have to resort to more traditional ways to find a good place to eat. But don’t worry, base your judgement on the signs below and you’ll separate a descent place from a tourist trap in no time! Continue reading »

When I first heard of The Yacht Week Croatia, it didn’t take me very long to make the decision to go. Cruising around the Croatian islands on a sailing yacht with a bunch of friends and about 50 other yachts with people from all around the world? Sounds like something I might enjoy!

To get an idea what The Yacht Week is about, check out the official trailer. Watched it? Ok, so now you want to go as well. Good news, I’ve written an extensive guide that will help you get the most out of it! Continue reading »

Hong Kong is known for it’s amazing mix of international cuisine. I’ve spent two months in this vibrant city and I have had some of the best food in my life here.

Pretty much every cuisine is represented in the city and there is an excellent choice for every taste and cuisine. Creating this list of top five picks wasn’t easy. That’s why I’m very confident that you’ll enjoy every single one of my picks! Continue reading »

Hong Kong is well known for its unlimited variety of foods. From little roadside stalls to high end restaurants and everything in between, Hong Kong has it all. Its food is heavily influenced by Cantonese cuisine as well as other regions of China, Japan, and South East Asia. Due to its past as a British colony, Hong Kong also hosts a wide variety of international restaurants as well.

Over the next two months, I will have 15 hand picked dinners.  Each one will be documented in this post. While it will be impossible to sample every available cuisine, I will do my best to get a good representation. Continue reading »
