Australia – The Traveling Dutchman

Australia – The Traveling Dutchman

When you think of dangerous animals in Australia, the crocodile, the snake and the shark come to mind first. But did you know the most deaths amongst tourists are actually caused by a very different animal?

The Drop bear is truly an assassinator in disguise. It cleverly mimics the behavior of one of the cutest animals on the planet: the Koala bear. But don’t let its friendly appearance trick you. Underneath it’s soft, fluffy fur lives a ferocious killer. Continue reading »

When I told my Australian friend that I was planning a visit to Cairns, he suggested that I stay in a big backpacker retreat named Gilligans. Although I value his opinion, I decided to take a quick peek at Tripadvisor to check out some reviews.

I quickly realized that this wasn’t the hostel I was looking for. Reviewers described music from the attached nightclub blasting every night until 3am combined with drunk, shirtless guys throwing up in the hallways. A good place if you want to party, but that wasn’t my reason to visit the city. Continue reading »
