Air Travel – The Traveling Dutchman

Air Travel – The Traveling Dutchman

I just came across a new flight search engine that I really like. GeniusFlight is a budget driven search engine for flights. Genius Flight works a little different than most search engines.

Instead of specifying a destination, Genius Flight only asks for (1) a departure city and (2) a budget and (3) your travel dates.

The algorithm then scans all the cheapest flights for you and displays the options within your budget. This is a great way to get some inspiration. Specially if you (like me) love going on spontaneous trips! Continue reading »

One thing that always surprises me is how people seem to lose all manners and etiquette as soon as they enter an airplane or airport. Suddenly, everyone behaves like a buffalo amidst a panic stricken stampede.

Ever wonder why everyone tries to rush out of an airplane at the same time as if it’s about to explode? Or why people stand at the luggage belt, blocking the view and access for all other passengers? I think it’s time for a quick rundown on air travel etiquette. Continue reading »

Airplanes have always intrigued me, so to fly the biggest commercial airliner in the world, the Airbus A380, is an exciting event for me! On my way from Amsterdam to Hong Kong, I flew with Emirates from Amsterdam to Dubai, the first leg of my itinerary.

The A380 is the only airplane with two full-length decks: the lower deck where the economy seats are located and the upper deck for first and business class passengers. That is, Emirates’ A380’s are designed this way. Continue reading »

Every time I’m asked to turn off my electronic devices for take-off or landing, I ask myself this question. And to the passengers around me. The answer is usually something along the lines of “never really thought about it,” or “It’s not been proven but they ask you to turn it off anyway, just in case.”

Imagine electronics do pose a danger to the aircraft’s systems. If this would be the case, would airlines really want to depend on the willingness of their passengers to simply comply with the request to turn it off? Continue reading »
