Travel Tips – The Traveling Dutchman

Travel Tips – The Traveling Dutchman

I’ve hosted over 150 groups of guests in my apartment in Amsterdam on Airbnb. One things that keeps surprising me is that almost none of my former guests have asked for a discount before making the booking. A big mistake, if saving money is something that you value.

I’ve used Airbnb as a traveler and in my experience you can get up to 25% off the listed price. How? Just follow my easy seven step negotiation system. However, do not use this against me when you book my apartment in Amsterdam off course :-). Continue reading »

I’m always on the lookout for new, smart travel products. When I came across the Bluesmart, I was immediately sold. This is for sure the most bad-ass suitcase I’ve ever seen. Curious?

Suitcases haven’t changed much in the last few decades, but that is about to change. Bluesmart has taken suitcase technology to the next level, utilizing micro-sensors, actuators and a microcomputer with GPS to communicate with smartphones over bluetooth.

In addition, the Bluesmart app can be synced with the suitcase and online travel services to provide smart notifications, alerts and reports to the owner.
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A lot of people don’t like overnight flights because they have trouble sleeping on a plane. What’s the secret to getting those well deserved hours of sleep? To figure out the best way to sleep on an airplane you first have to ask yourself what has kept you awake the most on recent flights.

Do you have a hard time sleeping with noise? Does light keep you awake? How about temperature? Or can you just not find a good position to go to sleep in? Continue reading »

I just came across a new flight search engine that I really like. GeniusFlight is a budget driven search engine for flights. Genius Flight works a little different than most search engines.

Instead of specifying a destination, Genius Flight only asks for (1) a departure city and (2) a budget and (3) your travel dates.

The algorithm then scans all the cheapest flights for you and displays the options within your budget. This is a great way to get some inspiration. Specially if you (like me) love going on spontaneous trips! Continue reading »

During your travels, you will most likely want to chat to family or friends back home from time to time and share photos with them. And, if you are freelancing as you go, then communication with clients is crucial.

Back in the day, this was usually a costly endeavor. Not anymore, though! The internet revolution has made international communications a lot cheaper—free in many cases! Continue reading »

If you own a house or if you are renting long term, you can gain significant income from it while you travel abroad, possibly more then your mortgage or rent payments.

There are two ways to monetize your house: renting out long term and short term. Your preferred option depends on your situation, both options have advantages and disadvantages Continue reading »

Over the years it has become more and more difficult and expensive to travel with a log of luggage. A lot of airlines started charging for checked luggage and size restrictions for carry-ons are being more and more enforced.

Two of my good friends saw this problem and decided to do something about it: they created a carry-on that can be carried on the plane, as a personal item! Continue reading »

Finding the right type of accommodation can make or break your trip abroad. There is nothing worse than arriving at your dream destination just to find out that your room isn’t clean and you’re woken up at 7am by construction works just outside your room.

To make sure you book the right accommodation, read this chapter of my book: Ten Small Steps, One Giant Leap. Continue reading »

Finding the cheapest and most suitable flight remains one of the biggest struggles for travelers who are planning to travel for a few months or more.

With numerous flight search engines and website around, all claiming to find the cheapest flight, which one can you really trust?

I answer this question in chapter three of my eBook, which you can download for free! Continue reading »

When you are planning a trip, before booking any plane tickets, you should sign up for a frequent flyer (also mileage or miles program), if you don’t have one.

Why? Because it’s free and you can get some pretty good benefits! Continue reading »

One thing that always surprises me is how people seem to lose all manners and etiquette as soon as they enter an airplane or airport. Suddenly, everyone behaves like a buffalo amidst a panic stricken stampede.

Ever wonder why everyone tries to rush out of an airplane at the same time as if it’s about to explode? Or why people stand at the luggage belt, blocking the view and access for all other passengers? I think it’s time for a quick rundown on air travel etiquette. Continue reading »

Traveling to an exotic location inevitably requires particular conditions to be met. While some countries simply mandate possession of a valid passport, many can be very difficult to visit depending on your particular circumstances and nationality. Continue reading »
