The Traveling Dutchman

The Traveling Dutchman

Every time I’m asked to turn off my electronic devices for take-off or landing, I ask myself this question. And to the passengers around me. The answer is usually something along the lines of “never really thought about it,” or “It’s not been proven but they ask you to turn it off anyway, just in case.”

Imagine electronics do pose a danger to the aircraft’s systems. If this would be the case, would airlines really want to depend on the willingness of their passengers to simply comply with the request to turn it off? Continue reading »

In Hong Kong Asian and Western culture clash, creating a unique mix. After spending two months in this city this year, I consider Hong Kong definitely one of my favorite cities in the world.

You would think with millions of people stacked on a little island, getting around could be difficult. Surprisingly, it’s not. The city center is quite walkable and Hong Kong has one of the most efficient and affordable public transport systems in the world. In addition, taxis can be found everywhere. Continue reading »

I’ve had my fair share of weird drinks during my travels. I’ve tried Kava in Fiji, beer mixed with coke in Germany and Kierewiet (made from Marijuana) in Holland. But coffee made from the poo of an animal?

It sounds disgusting, but believe it or not, this is how the world’s most expensive coffee is produced. It comes from Indonesia, where it’s called “Kopi Luwak,” which translates to Civet Coffee. Continue reading »

Would you like to go on a one-day hike passing by a volcano, two glaciers, multiple waterfalls, a roaring river and fairytale like green valleys? If so, consider going to Iceland and do the Fimmvorduhals hiking trail.

It takes you between the glaciers Eyjafjallajökull and Mýrdalsjökull (don’t worry I can’t pronounce this either) and ends in the magnificent valley of Þórsmörk. I did this awesome hike during my trip to Iceland and it was the best hike I’ve ever done. Check out the video to see what it was like! Watch the video »

My trip to Iceland is almost over. In one week I’ve hiked up a volcano, walked on a glacier, saw geysers, waterfalls and lava fields, learned about the history of the country, saw some awesome sunsets and went whale watching and visited three small towns.

It made me realize how much this country has to offer and what a great destination it is, especially in the summer. In fact, I’m already planning my next visit! Here are seven reasons to visit Iceland in the summer. Continue reading »

When you think of dangerous animals in Australia, the crocodile, the snake and the shark come to mind first. But did you know the most deaths amongst tourists are actually caused by a very different animal?

The Drop bear is truly an assassinator in disguise. It cleverly mimics the behavior of one of the cutest animals on the planet: the Koala bear. But don’t let its friendly appearance trick you. Underneath it’s soft, fluffy fur lives a ferocious killer. Continue reading »

When I first heard of The Yacht Week Croatia, it didn’t take me very long to make the decision to go. Cruising around the Croatian islands on a sailing yacht with a bunch of friends and about 50 other yachts with people from all around the world? Sounds like something I might enjoy!

To get an idea what The Yacht Week is about, check out the official trailer. Watched it? Ok, so now you want to go as well. Good news, I’ve written an extensive guide that will help you get the most out of it! Continue reading »

The first thing Bear Grylls (Ultimate Survival, Discovery Channel) does after he is dropped off in some remote spot in the middle of no-where is “getting his bearings.”

This is exactly what I do when I arrive in a new city, like today in Split, Croatia. I want to know where I am, how the city is set up and what the surroundings look like. No better way to do this then to find a good vantage point! Continue reading »

After a few years on the road I usually manage to avoid tourist traps. This time I was completely caught off guard though. A painful mistake that wasted about half of my day.

I was staying in Bali with two of my buddies, Andreas and Vincenzo. We wanted to check out some cool spots on the islands. A friend of Vincenzo had recently visited the island and recommended a taxi driver to us. He had taken him around the island before and he had a great day. Continue reading »

On my way from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur I passed by a city called Malacca. I heard that there was some Dutch heritage in this city so I decided to stop for a night or two to check it out.

It turned out to be a good decision. Not only does the city have a really interesting history, its old city center has been listed as UNESCO world heritage site since 2008. Continue reading »
