The Traveling Dutchman

The Traveling Dutchman

When I told my Australian friend that I was planning a visit to Cairns, he suggested that I stay in a big backpacker retreat named Gilligans. Although I value his opinion, I decided to take a quick peek at Tripadvisor to check out some reviews.

I quickly realized that this wasn’t the hostel I was looking for. Reviewers described music from the attached nightclub blasting every night until 3am combined with drunk, shirtless guys throwing up in the hallways. A good place if you want to party, but that wasn’t my reason to visit the city. Continue reading »

One of the things I love about Latin American culture is the hospitality of its people. There is nothing better than arriving in a foreign land,  staying with people you’ve never met before, yet feeling completely at home.

So what is it about Latin people that makes foreigners feel so comfortable? I believe it’s a unified desire to encourage a laid back experience for guests.  All cultures place a high value on hospitality, but Latins do it with an ultra relaxed approach, lulling you into a calm state. Continue reading »

Good morning! I just woke up to the majestic view of the sun climbing over the Australian East Coast.  Not a bad way to start the day, but the view isn’t what excites me most at this moment. It’s the fact that I just enjoyed a normal seven-hour slumber. Nothing special, right?  Wrong.  To me, this is a very sweet victory!  Here is why:

Last night, I traveled from London to Australia, crossing 10 time zones in 20 hours.  If you’ve ever traveled from Europe or the US to Australia, you know that jet lag is an indomitable beast. Continue reading »

During my ski trip to Valmeinier, France, I decided go take a ride with a little lightweight aircraft. The weather was perfect and it turned out to be a super sweet ride with great views and scenery! I attached a camera to the plane and created this video with the footage. Hope you like it! Watch the video »

When you become a world traveler, you may forget to appreciate the beauty of your hometown. Being back at my parents place in Arnhem, a small town in the east of The Netherlands, I decieded to walk around the neighborhood and take some pictures. It was a cold day in the middle of winter and ground was covered with a thick blanket of snow. I strapped on my trusty boots and headed out the door. Continue reading »

I had only slept a few hours when my dad woke me up at 3.30 am. We had to make an early morning flight with Ryanair to Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands. Our final destination was the little town of Corralejo, the surf capital of the Canaries.

I was pretty new at surfing. I had taken the odd lesson over the last few years, but hadn’t passed the beginner stages yet. When we arrived at our first surf spot, I was a little worried. Continue reading »

Two friendly Australian couples from Hong Kong were also staying at the resort. We all got along well from the start and decided to explore the area together. The next morning, we congregated in the hotel lobby, rented a boat, and ventured off to visit the nearby islands.

Our first stop was a small pristine island called “Dako Island.” It was inhabited by a small community who lived off of coconut plantations and canoe manufacturing. While the men were busy carving canoes out of trees, the children played on the sandy beaches with home-made wake boards. Continue reading »

After we settled in our new environment, we decided to go on a reconnaissance mission using the islands main means of transportation: the motorbike.

Typically, I shy away from driving these vehicles as I have met too many expats and tourists with scars, mutilations, brain damage and other motorbike accident related injuries (which in Thailand they call “natural tattoos”). On this island, however, traffic was sparse so I threw caution to the wind and mounted my bike. Continue reading »

I was traveling around Asia when I got a message from my friend Johan. He had been working tirelessly for years and finally had some time off. “I desperately need a holiday,” he told me. “I want to relax and decompress, somewhere away from all the tourists. I need a quiet, peaceful place.”

The light bulb in my head flashed. I immediately thought of Siargao Island, a remote island in the Philippines. Continue reading »

I was having dinner with some friends in a middle-eastern type restaurant in Shanghai. It was my last night there and I was heading to the airport straight after dinner. My next destination was replete with sun, beaches, and excellent surfing conditions. I was going to the Philippines. The meal was delicious and the atmosphere was captivating. Between the tasty kebabs, the sexy belly dancers, and my vivacious friends, the evening was sublime. Nothing could ruin it. Or so I thought. Continue reading »
